This year your child will go through the sacraments of First Penance and First Eucharist. We will be concentrating on those topics as well as learning about the Mass. Attending Mass as a family is very important.
Learn and internalize addition and subtraction facts to 18 for quick recall. There is a lot covered this year in math. However, if you can help with your child’s memorization of these simple facts, it would help throughout the year in all we do. Practice skills at home using First In Math computer programs. Our math curriculum covers place value, number sense, adding and subtracting up to three digit numbers, measurement, money and time.
Language Arts: Literacy and overall English Language Arts attainment is very important. Please be diligent to read daily, visit your library, introduce new vocabulary, practice the vocabulary we introduce, and do all you can to maintain a rich literature environment at home. We use HMH Into Reading Grade 2 Reading Program. Spelling, Vocabulary and Social Studies are taught using this program.
Social Emotional Learning
Our classroom supports each students social emotional wellness. We are implementing the program Celebrate to structure our lessons. We will cover social awareness, self awareness, relationship skill building, responsible decision making, and self management.
We complete STEM projects each trimester and work on collaboration by problem solving!
Social Studies:
Social Studies topics will include learning about families, our community, and the branches of government. In addition, students will learn about holidays, maps and landforms. Scholastic News will supplement our social studies curriculum.