St. Joan of Arc School's 26th annual
Race for Education will be run October 18, 2024! This exercise-inspiring event is a “lap-a-thon” in which each student, Preschool through 8th grade, runs, jogs, or walks on our school's soccer field. The challenge also involves obtaining tax-deductible donations by contacting friends, relatives, employers, etc. to sponsor a student as he or she "races" laps around the course. Families and friends are encouraged to come to our school on the day of the race to show their support for the students as they participate. Our goal this year is $46,000. We can do it with your support! Thank you and may God bless you for supporting our school. |
St. Joan of Arc School
1525 Sand Hill Road | Hummelstown, PA 17036 P: (717) 533-2854 | F: (717) 534-0755 Call Us | Message Us | Donate | Parish Website |