Early Childhood Program
The focus of St. Joan of Arc Preschool is socialization and learning through play. The work of a preschool student is demonstrated through their play. We incorporate an academic curriculum which includes basic prayer recitation, counting, shapes, and colors. Activities are geared to involve children in all areas of development: social, emotional, intellectual, physical, and spiritual.
Preschool Philosophy |
Requirements |
St. Joan of Arc Preschool provides a Christian environment that is nurturing and encouraging and uses positive reinforcement. Our goal is for each child to develop a love of learning and to build their self-esteem. We want learning to be a positive experience.
Children must be age 3 or 4 by September 1st of the current school year. All children must be potty trained to enter preschool.
Pre-K 3 Program Hours |
Pre-K 4 Program Hours |
3 year old students
5 full days: Monday - Friday 8:10 am - 3:00 pm |
4 year old students
5 full days: Monday - Friday 8:10 am - 3:00 pm |
Pre-K 3 CurriculumReligion | Prayers, Noah, Friends, I am special, Jesus
Math | Assemble puzzles, make block patterns, create a square Language Arts | Listen to stories, re-tell a familiar story, use books properly, recognize first name Science | Discuss the weather, participate in cooking activities, mix two colors together Social Development | Refrain from grabbing toys, return materials to appropriate location, move away from adult to play Art | Manipulate play dough, use white board, learn to use paints, crayons and scissors correctly, creating motor skills, hopping, running, climbing, using pencils, stringing beads Library | The children have library once a week, with the librarian, and will be read a story Spanish | Phys Ed Computer |
Pre-K 4 CurriculumReligion | Prayers, Jesus, Mary, creation of the Bible
Math | Role count to 20, identify numbers 0-5, use objects to represent numbers through 5 Language Arts | Stories, library time, talking about experiences, communication ideas, recognize rhymes, writing name with a capital and lowercase letter Science | Planting seeds, weather activities, 5 senses Social Development | Independence, lengthening attention span, responsibilities Art | Pasting, cutting, painting, drawing self & others Library | The children have library once a week, with the librarian, and will be read a story Spanish | Phys Ed Computer |
Kindergarten Philosophy
From the minute you enter our classrooms, our goal is to welcome and provide every student with a very exciting, positive, safe, nurturing and interactive education. In kindergarten, our focus is to cultivate the developmental growth of each individual child while harmonizing the needs of a diverse group of learners. The curriculum is designed to foster all areas of development which include social, emotional, physical and intellectual. Children are active learners and it is our intention to provide each student with a variety of challenging learning opportunities through use of their own senses, movement, exploring, talking, drawing, writing, questioning and problem solving. Because children develop at different levels with various strengths and needs, our curriculum is flexible to accommodate and support every learner. Each day, it is our objective to value and celebrate each child's life so that they may acquire a love of learning.
Kindergarten Curriculum
Religion | seasons of the Church, prayers, Rosary, All Saints Day, Stations of the Cross
Math | counters, mental math, problem of the day, patterns, math stories, shapes, graphing, number sense, one-to-one correspondence, basic addition and subtraction
Language Arts | recognize name, recognize uppercase and lowercase letters, writing name, read aloud, phonics, rhyming words, beginning and ending sounds, daily journal writing
Science | hands on experiments, five sense, stages of growth, sink and float
Social Studies | community helpers, careers, vehicles, famous people, American flag, pledge of allegiance, country ethnicity project
Math | counters, mental math, problem of the day, patterns, math stories, shapes, graphing, number sense, one-to-one correspondence, basic addition and subtraction
Language Arts | recognize name, recognize uppercase and lowercase letters, writing name, read aloud, phonics, rhyming words, beginning and ending sounds, daily journal writing
Science | hands on experiments, five sense, stages of growth, sink and float
Social Studies | community helpers, careers, vehicles, famous people, American flag, pledge of allegiance, country ethnicity project